Various issues affecting normal bladder function, including incontinence and urgency, with many treatment options available.
Incontinence, urgency, frequency, initiation difficulty.
Options for treatment include behavioral therapies, medications, and minimally invasive procedures like InterStim Therapy or Bladder Instillations to improve bladder function and control.
Treatment Options
Options for treatment include behavioral therapies, medications, and minimally invasive procedures like InterStim Therapy or Bladder Instillations to improve bladder function and control.
Prognosis and Outlook
Options for treatment include behavioral therapies, medications, and minimally invasive procedures like InterStim Therapy or Bladder Instillations to improve bladder function and control.
Managing the Condition
Options for treatment include behavioral therapies, medications, and minimally invasive procedures like InterStim Therapy or Bladder Instillations to improve bladder function and control.
When to See a Doctor
Options for treatment include behavioral therapies, medications, and minimally invasive procedures like InterStim Therapy or Bladder Instillations to improve bladder function and control.
Related Conditions
Related Procedures
Conditions We Treat:
Bladder & Urinary Conditions
Bladder Dysfunction
Various issues affecting normal bladder function, including incontinence and urgency, with many treatment options available.
Explore your Options
Our dedicated team at Oxford Urology Associates is here to answer your questions, help you schedule appointments, and provide the support you need for your urological health. Whether you’re a new patient or seeking specialized care, we’re ready to assist you every step of the way.